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Music for Mental Health Links

Through An Open WIndow, The Light Shines - NAMI Project Music Links

Velvet Skies – John Allen
About the realities of growing old and living in a nursing home  - studio version (MP3 download)

My Fair Share - Jeff Kelly
"My Fair Share" was a song written quickly in the wake of long and toxic domestic relationship came to an end. After having been separated for over three months, my ex finally moved out of the house, leaving with it a wake of raw and crippling emotions. The hardest part was over, and it was now time to pick all the pieces (of who I was before, and the best parts of me during) off the floor
and start again. The song became a journal entry to help me realize that it's okay to go through hard times- but guarantees you are not the only one.

Dim in Your Arms - Jeff Kelly

"Dim in Your Arms" covers a whole spectrum of emotions and stories- the strongest of which was a loss and longing for semblance of home and comfort. Having moved away from Massachusetts to Indianapolis seven years ago, I feel like I have missed a whole lifetime with my immediate family. It's a song about the lonely times, about homesickness, and about finding a way to thrive and put your all into something to keep going- If my heart generates sparks - it will keep that lantern burning back home (dim or otherwise)



Have To Lose - Corey Sites

This is one of my more uplifting tracks, written for a friend I had who died of a heroin overdose and was revived shortly after. Definitely a life-changing moment. This one is about letting people know what I see in them, as well as reminding them that they need not let their demons get the best of them.




Take Your Pills - Mike Martin



Chip - Dustin Vance
The vast majority of my songs are riddled with tales of loss, depression, anxiety, or all of the above, but if I'm picking one, even though it's not my favorite of songs I've created I think it sums it all up pretty well. On the surface it sounds like it's about alcoholism and falling off the wagon, but it's very much so about depression and constant lapses in the road to recovery.





50 Shades of Sadness - Michael Pearson




Oh God - Hollie Schultz




Tuinal Blues - Jj Stenzoski




Giving Up On You - Katie Josway



And Then The Tears - Steve Boller

This song was written to portray what relationship anxiety feels like. It also applies to any anxiety or emotion that is too often held in:





Broken Arrow - Will Scott

Got drinking, depression, family relationships, and loss.





Flowers - Mike Angel





Tell Me I'm Alright - Brandon Wadley





Still She Dances · Chris Wolf
Really tough to choose just one song. I go from Spotless, a song about a guy who's best friend is an invisible dog to The True Story of Belle Gunness about the LaPorte, Indiana serial killer. But here's one I wrote about the long lasting effects of child molestation. It's based on a true story.





She · Brad Kleinschmidt
Here's a song off my "Gone" EP last year about addiction and thoughts of suicide.





Mother · Jake Hendershot
I wrote this song when I was 18, shortly after the loss of my mother to a rare disease called Amyloidosis. Writing the song was my way of coping with the loss.




Thoughts On The Tracks (demo 3) - Aaron Stroude

Demo of my newest song. One of my most honest and…





Current -  Brandon Wilson featuring Katie Pederson





Let the good times roll - Achilles Tenderloin

Joe Augustin




Man On a Couch · Kevin Milner




Tigers - Mina Keohane


A Small Voice - Mina Keohane



13 Stitches Minus The End - Mina Keohane




Anti Bullying Anthem - Chad Mills




Parachute -Eric Pedigo -



What Did He Do To You - Bryce Ernest Taylor
A song about the lingering effects of abuse and regret.  Inspired by many stories in my work to help heal the wounds.





Letting Go (Dannyn Said) - Bryce Ernest Taylor
A song inspired by the resilience of a victim of a serious motorcycle accident.




No Soul - Saint Gabriel
My latest mental health song, relating to disaffection from fundamentalist religion as well as money problems and existential crisis.





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